Yulupa Cohousing: Our Vision
Our community's spirit grows out of a profound respect for the natural world and our human connection to it and to each other. This is evident upon entering our cohousing community. Ours is a way of living that fulfills mind, body, and spirit for each member-- adults and children. Enrichment manifests in community social activities, shared meals, encouragement of creative expression, and the sense of nurturance and safety that we create. We mutually help one another to overcome social isolation and reach towards our highest aspirations. We seek to provide mutual support, inspiration, warmth, and openness to each member in a way that nourishes many generations.
Yulupa Cohousing: Values
Diversity and Acceptance
We celebrate our differences: age, gender, ethnicity, couples/singles, sexual orientation, households with and without children, physical ability, spiritual belief/practice, and individual political and artistic expression. We uphold the values of diversity and tolerance toward all, encouraging each person to fully express her/himself. We recognize and honor that each individual is an inherently valuable member of our community because of her/his unique being. learning, growth and innovation
We are inspired to pursue continual learning and seek to utilize our community experience to foster personal and interpersonal growth and development. With this in mind, we practice innovation and openness to a variety of creative modes of expression and modalities for learning which bring about personal and community enrichment: arts and crafts, music, song, dance, study, and contemplation. environmental and ecological
We appreciate the natural world in our everyday lives. We challenge ourselves to deepen our awareness and learning about the environment and our connection to it. We practice stewardship and conservation of natural and non-renewable resources. To these ends, we are committed to sustainable living by recycling, sharing resources, and reducing our carbon footprint. communication
We are committed to effective, inclusive, and timely communication. In all communication we aspire to keep our hearts open, be honest and sensitive, as well as to seek clarity. We are dedicated to cooperation. We will work together to resolve conflicts when they occur. spirit of place
We hold a spirit in our hearts that manifest in the functional and aesthetic aspects of landscaping, care of our surroundings, and the playful architectural design of our cohousing complex. This spirit is joyful, warm, and welcoming to all; it expresses our sense of home. larger community
From our vision, we look to find our place with each other, other groups and individuals in the greater community, dedicated to peace, social, and economic justice. By creating new ways of living, thinking, being, relating, and working cooperatively, we intend to serve the goal of peace on our planet. We find opportunities to be of service, offering our resources and support to help alleviate suffering both in Sonoma County and in the world at large. privacy
We respect each other’s needs for balance between community and private life |